I am not a planner. I'm a "I'm in the store and something sounds good" kinda cook. Which means I buy what I think I need and then get home and find out I forgot 6 things. So there's nothing left to do but revise my idea and use what I have on hand to make something else. Sometimes it's edible... some times not so much. Today, I'm happy to report, it was not only edible, but pretty darn good. And so, I'm sharing my recipe for Bacon and Tomato Pasta Salad.
2 cups rainbow rotini pasta, cooked and cooled
1/3 cup chopped onions
1/4 cup chopped bell peppers (any or all colors, your choice)
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped finely
1 14.5 oz. can diced tomatoes, drained (reserve some juice in case you need it)
3/4 cup Miracle Whip
6 slices bacon (I would probably add more, but that's all I had)
Salt and Pepper
Add onions and peppers to pasta. Add Miracle Whip to drained tomatoes. If the dressing isn't thin enough, you can add a bit more juice - just depends on how well you drained the tomatoes. Combine with pasta mix. Stir in bacon, and salt and pepper to taste. Chill.
Not exactly rocket science, but tasty none the less. Let me know if you try it and what changes you make to it -- if nothing else, I'm flexible!
About Me

- barb
- Hi! I’m Barb. But then, you probably already figured that out. I’m a middle aged woman in the middle of rural America, trying to hang on for dear life. My world revolves around my family, first and foremost. I live on a farm in NE Kansas with my husband and some critters. I have an awesome daughter, and three precious grandbabies who live close by. I blog about my life; good, bad, or otherwise at barb-wired. I also blog about food at barb-wired adventures in the kitchen. Glad you’re here; hope you're crazy enough to stick around!
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